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titleFor unstable stages, or stages experiencing faults - Soloist

Follow these instructions if your stage receives any faults when Enabled, or if the axis is unstable. This process will require two people: one to operate the software, and one to move the stage manually/by hand (called the stage operator below). 


This procedure can only be completed on stages that can be moved safely and freely by hand while Disabled.

  1. Run Digital Scope, and Connect to the controller.
  2. Navigate to the Feedback Tuning tab.
  3. Select the desired controller/axis and Disable  the axis. Acknowledge any faults that are occurring.

  4. Have the stage operator move your stage to the center of travel.
  5. Open the motion configuration box by clicking the drop-down arrow on the Tune  button.
  6. Uncheck Enable Motion.

  7. Have the stage operator oscillate the stage in a small range of motion at an even rate. This simulates the function of the Enable Motion feature.
  8. Click the Tune  button to start the tuning algorithm. The tuning algorithm will continuously collect data and adjust the feedback gains so that the feedback device Lissajous matches the ideal Lissajous (red circle).
  9. Once the feedback device Lissajous matches the ideal Lissajous, click Stop  to stop the tuning cycle. The stage operator may stop oscillating the stage as well.
  10. Once the feedback device gains have been calculated, we recommend that you check the Lissajous pattern over the entire length of travel of the axis. Check the pattern by having the stage operator move the axis at an even rate over the entire length of travel while displaying the Lissajous pattern. To only display the Lissajous pattern without tuning the axis, select the Collect Data  button.

  11. If at some position the Lissajous becomes much larger than the ideal Lissajous, repeat the tuning procedure with the axis located at this position, then verify over the full travel again.Stop the data collection when you are done.
  12. The feedback gains that are calculated by the tuning algorithm are set as active on the controller, but are not committed to the file system. To commit the parameters to the file system for future use, select the Commit Parameters  button.

Content by Label
cqllabel in ("a3200","encoder","feedback","tuning") and type = "page" and space = "AKB"
labelsa3200 encoder feedback tuning
