Versions Compared


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You are seeing the following error.

"An INtime node error occurred: <Location Code/Message>




There are multiple versions of this error. Please see the dropdowns below for information. This page is meant to go over the common causes and solutions for these types of errors.



The INtime node was not found and is not configured on this system.




The INtime node failed to start




A timeout occurred while waiting for the INtime node to start.




A timeout occurred while waiting for one or more INtime services to start.




A timeout occurred while waiting for the INtime network stack to start.




The INtime network configuration is incorrect.




The INtime registry configuration is incorrect.




The installed version of INtime is unsupported.


INtime is not correctly configured on your PC.


Reinstall the A3200 and INtime. Refer to the procedure that follows.

  1. Uninstall the A3200. Then restart the PC.
  2. Uninstall INtime. Then restart the PC.
  3. Install the A3200. Then restart the PC. The installation automatically installs and configures INtime again.

titleThe INtime node failed to start.


INtime has a configuration problem that prevents the INtime kernel from starting.


Reinstall the A3200 and INtime. Refer to the procedure that follows.

  1. Uninstall the A3200. Then restart the PC.
  2. Uninstall INtime. Then restart the PC.
  3. Install the A3200. Then restart the PC. The installation automatically installs and configures INtime again.

If reinstalling does not work or if the issue appears to have been caused by a Windows update, see Correcting Your A3200 Configuration in the Windows 10 Update Guide




titleA timeout occurred while waiting for the INtime node to start.


INtime has a problem that prevents the INtime node kernel from starting. Most This is commonly this can be attributed to some INtime specific settings or PC incompatibilities with INtime's RTOS (Real-Time Operating System). Examples include camera or Windows or BIOS settings that affect real time performance, camera/imaging software that utilize some type of utilizes an imaging/capture card installed on the computer, high end graphics cards, etc.


1) If you installed
  1. Reinstall the A3200 and
you did not restart your PC, restart your PC before you use the A3200.2) Pass the FireWire/HyperWire card back to Windows control
  1. INtime. Refer to the procedure that follows.
    1. Uninstall the A3200. Then restart the PC.
    2. Uninstall INtime. Then restart the PC.
    3. Install the A3200. Then restart the PC
and re-pass
    1. . The installation automatically installs and configures INtime again.
  1. Pass the FireWire/
HyperWire For FireWire cards,
  1. HyperWIre card to Windows control, then back to INtime control.
    1. Open INtime Configuration
    2. Double click on INtime Device Manager
    3. Right click on the FireWire card and select

    1. Pass to INtime using Polling

      titleFigure 1-1
      Image Modified

    2. For HyperWire cards, Pass to INtime using MSI

      titleFigure 1-2
      Image Modified

3) Uninstall both A3200 and INtime (INtime is installed as a separate program). Reinstall A3200, therefore reinstalling INtime.


    1. Navigate to File > Save Configuration. Exit INtime Device Manager and restart the PC.
  1. Optimize the PC. This can be done by following the
User Guide For
  1. Optimizing A3200 Performance
  1. guide on our website. This includes a
wide range
  1. list of Windows and BIOS settings that are known to negatively affect real time performance.
    1. Note
: Not all PC configurations will be able to run the INtime RTOS software (Real-Time Operating System) very well
    1. that not all PCs are compatible with A3200's real-time operating system. A list of supported PCs can be found here. Known problematic PC models are listed here. If optimization does not
work, there
    1. resolve the INtime error it may be
something about
  • Optimization may help, however, if there are programs such as Cognex imaging software that use capture cards installed on the PC, Optimization may have no effect. These cards and software should be uninstalled to troubleshoot where the INtime Node errors come from.
  • 5)
      1. that the PC
    's hardware, such as the CPU, that does not work well with Real-Time Operating Systems.
      1. model is simply not compatible with INtime, A3200's real time operating system. If this is the case, obtain a supported PC.
      2. If the above troubleshooting steps (including optimization) do not help to resolve this error, double check that the PC was thoroughly optimized.
    1. Review the User Guide for Windows 10 Updates found on the Aerotech website. 
      1. In the event that these errors occurred shortly after a Windows update, you should review this guide.
    Unfortunately, as of right now(August 2019) you cannot fully disable Windows 10 Updates on some versions of Windows 10.
      1. This guide has a few steps and suggestions that can be taken if errors start to appear after you updated Windows 10.
    1. Upgrade
    1. A3200
    1. to
    the newest version or upgrade to at least v6
    1. version 6.03.003 or newer for newer PC models.
    As mentioned under solution #4, not all PCs are very compatible with the INtime software. This is seen largely with the release of newer computers where the older version of INtime (used for
      1. A3200 versions 6.02
    .001 and lower)
      1. and earlier install INtime version 6.2, which does not run reliably on newer computer models.
    With the release of A3200 v6
      1. A3200 version 6.03.003
    a newer version of INtime was used. This newer version of INtime that released with A3200 v6.03.003
      1. uses INtime 6.3 and has been known to resolve this INtime
      1. node error on a few post-2017
    PCs("newer PCs")
      1. PC models.
    1. Change INtime Node settings.
      1. Open
      1. INtime Configuration
    program. Go to the
      1. Double click to open Node Management
      1. and make the following changes. Then save and restart the PC.

        Image Modified
      1. Select AerotechNode0 at left, and go to the Kernel tab. Set "Start automatically" to Yes

        titleFigure 1-3
        Image Modified

      1. Go to the System tab. Set "Boot Mode" to Dedicated

        titleFigure 1-4
        Image Modified

    1. Open A3200 Configuration Manager. Co to Controller > Connection Settings (toolbar dropdown). In the Advanced tab, set the "Start A3200" option to Automatically. Click Apply and OK. Restart the PC.

      titleFigure 1-5
      Image Modified

    1. If none of
    1. the above solutions helps resolve or narrow down the problem please
    contact our Global Technical Support team.
    1. create a technical support case. Provide the following information:
      1. A3200 software version
      2. Windows Operating System version
      3. Full error message
      4. The INtime Event Viewer Log. Open Windows Event Viewer. Right-click INtime folder and click Save All Events As....

        titleFigure 1-9
        Image Modified

    titleA timeout occurred while waiting for one or more INtime services to start.


    INtime has a problem that prevents the INtime IO services from starting.


    If you installed the A3200 and you did not restart your PC, restart your PC before you use the A3200.

    titleThe INtime network configuration is incorrect.


    INtime has a configuration problem that prevents the INtime kernel from starting.


    If you installed the A3200 and you did not restart your PC, restart your PC before you use the A3200.

    titleThe INtime registry configuration is incorrect.


    INtime is not correctly configured on your PC.


    Reinstall the A3200 and INtime. Refer to the procedure that follows.

    1. Uninstall the A3200. Then restart the PC.
    2. Uninstall INtime. Then restart the PC.
    3. Install the A3200. Then restart the PC. The installation automatically installs and configures INtime again.

    titleThe installed version of INtime is unsupported.


    The version of INtime on your PC is not compatible with the software.


    Reinstall the A3200 and INtime. Refer to the procedure that follows.

    1. Uninstall the A3200. Then restart the PC.
    2. Uninstall INtime. Then restart the PC.
    3. Install the A3200. Then restart the PC. The installation automatically installs and configures INtime again.

    Content by Label
    cqllabel = "intime" and type = "page" and space = "AKB"
