These errors occur when connecting a Joystick to be used with Automation1. These errors may be more frequent with third-party joysticks, as they may have different configurations for buttons.
ERROR 1: The specified I/O number is not valid.
ERROR 2: The joystick interlock input is open.
Both of these issues can be resolved by configuring parameters for the Joystick. The choice of which input to configure for a joystick with less than three buttons is up to the user, but the remaining inputs must be configured.
- In Automation1 Studio, navigate to the Configure tab and then into Tasks > Joystick
- Scroll all the way down to Inputs, and locate the following parameters:
- JoystickAxesSelect - Selects the next axis/pair of axes to be actively controlled by the joystick
- JoystickInterlock - Returns control of the axis from the joystick.
- JoystickSpeedSelect - Selects the speed of the axis
- Click the pencil next to each, set the Input Type to Drive Digital, and choose the axis, like so:
Once configured, each of these parameters will change to a decimal value. This is normal, as long as they're set to drive digital, the I/O and Interlock errors should be cleared.
If the Interlock is not configured or not mapped to a button, the only way to pass control of the axis away from the joystick is to abort motion on that axis.
If you are using a third party joystick and the joystick is not behaving as expected, consult your joystick's manual for voltages and confirm JoystickInput0MaxVoltage and JoystickInput0MinVoltage are set accordingly.