A3200 throws one of the following errors during runtime or upon attempting to connect. Click on the error to view more troubleshooting information.
This list is not exhaustive and is intended to be a supplement to the information included in the A3200 help file.
"Drive communications were interrupted."
"A Communication Service error occurred"
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title | "A timeout occurred while waiting for a drive response: A timeout occurred while waiting for drive data." |
Cause - A real-time error occurred. You can view the error in the Diagnostics tab of Status Utility.
- Poor performance of your PC caused a timeout to occur while the PC was waiting for a response from one or more drives.
- The FireWire card in the PC is not a supported A3200 model.
Solution - Power cycle all drives and restart the A3200. If this error continues to occur, or if real-time errors occur, follow the procedures recommended in Optimizing A3200 Performance.
- Ensure that the FireWire card is compatible with A3200. Refer to "Compatible FireWire or HyperWire Cards" under Getting Started > System Requirements in the A3200 help file. Some newer (Windows 10) PCs require the XIO2213B chipset. We recommend the IOCREST/SYBA SY-PEX30016 or the SIIG NN-E20211-S1.
"A Firmware Loader error occurred"
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title | "A Galvo configuration error occurred: A valid galvo axis must be specified." |
- This error most commonly occurs because the galvo drive (Nmark or GL4) is not recognized by A3200.
The FireWire cable, HyperWire cable, or one or more drive cables are not connected correctly. Ensure that the wiring follows the System Interconnect drawing provided with the system (for integrated TAS systems). - Ensure that the communication channels of the galvo drive in the system are correct. The galvo drive communication channels must correspond to galvo axes in the currently active parameter file. Review the Nmark hardware manual for details on the communication channel dipswitches. The GL4 has software configurable communication channels. See Controller > Drive Configuration in A3200 Configuration Manager.
- If the galvo axes are virtual (a yellow "V" in A3200 Motion Composer), see Virtual Axes.
You issued a command that requires a GL4 or an Nmark axis, but the axis that you specified is not a galvo axis. In A3200 Configuration Manager, you defined a 2D galvo calibration file on an axis that is not a galvo axis.
"An error occurred during HyperWire communication"
"An INtime node error occurred"
"An error occurred with isochronous communication"
"A callback error occurred"
"An ONGOSUB error occurred"
"A FireWire or HyperWire card was not detected. Only virtual execution is available."
"An initialization error occurred in the Communication Service : The service failed to create a real-time event."
"An error occurred during an asynchronous communication"
"No selfIDs are detected on the network"
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